AcuteFinder - Screenshots

The screenshots below show you what to expect from AcuteFinder.
Many users say that AcuteFinder's user interface is one of the best they have seen.
Images that are not shown full size, are clickable so you can see them full size.
You can see even more screenshots, by browsing the online-help.


Search Wizard for an easy start

Click for a larger image
Search criteria

Click for a larger image
The file list and file viewer

Click for a larger image
Color-coded list of duplicate files found


Export/print list options


Export/print list output options


Settings dialog - Search options


Settings dialog - Exclude options


Settings dialog - Progress options


Settings dialog - File list options


Settings dialog - Operations options


Settings dialog - Warnings options


Settings dialog - Viewer options


Settings dialog - External Tools options


Calculate or verify file's checksum


Find empty files/folders


Update check dialog



© 2009, Hugmot ehf, Iceland. All rights reserved